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How much more can we be when we have others behind us? There don't have to be a lot of us to have purpose - just the same purpose. Our LORD said, "I Am among you, when only two or three of you gather in My name" (Matt. 18:20). Jesus sent His disciples out 2 by 2. There is power in this because the LORD has declared unity. in singleness of purpose with Him behind that purpose, we can see His power at work in our times of Intimate Worship, Prayer, Word and in Strategic Outreach in our neighborhoods and communities. You've heard the phrase, "Little is much when God is in it"? A HomeFire Church community can do and be just that! You don't have to be a Pastor to get started - we can show you how a small group, like yours, can impact so many others, just like the Early Church who met house to house.
HomeFire Church is not a denomination, but a fellowship of house churches of different types, different names and vision. We are unified in our autonomy and independence but also unified as disciples of Jesus Christ - in the Word and the Holy Spirit. Unity is what God desires of His church in Psalm 133:1 - it's a beautiful thing. Often unity has its own barriers and restrictions that God never placed on the church. Most church bodies minister as the leadership directs. This is fine at times, but what if Holy Spirit directs your group in a direction right now? A HomeFire fellowship can flow in God's leading as He directs. We can help you with counsel and covering, but this is a fellowship that can act of specific leading quickly and effectively in Jesus' name. Your HomeFire fellowship does not have to be like any other - this is freeing, simple and strategic. Your HomeFire group has to be like you are and God wants to move through you!
We worked our way into ministry because someone gave us an opportunity to succeed and fail. Often, we need a nudge, an encouragement and someone to help us get started, show us roadblocks and pitfalls to avoid and scriptural maps to help us navigate what we should be doing. Tools, Insights, God-directives and even quick-start processes to get things going for you is what HomeFire we can offer. We can show you how to do beautiful, cost-effective and quality home worship, practical teaching and build an atmosphere where the Holy Spirit can set your Home on Fire! We can help prepare you for a beautiful move of God that is coming in the House Church! Our leadership can come to you using technology or in person to discuss what God desires for you. Please Contact us!